ICP Chapter officers and their responsibilities

President:   This officer calls Board meetings and makes up the agenda of the coming meeting from personal notes during prior meetings (also relying on the Secretary’s minutes) being sure to include essential reports from the Treasurer and Secretary, as well as old business and new business discussions.  These meetings often last up to an hour and a half and, if properly conducted, keep the goals of the Chapter current and productive.

Vice President:  Is in charge when the President is unavailable and also maintains the Membership records, roll-call chores, introducing the potential member to the chorus and handing out the “new member sheet” and also “Chapter Guidelines” to prospective members. 

Treasurer:  Maintains all factors regarding the financial records of the Chapter and collects dues.  The Treasurer also reports to the Board at each monthly Board meeting the status of the event funds, goals and records.

Secretary:  Takes minutes of the meetings and publishes notes on “action items” where members have volunteered to follow-up what was being discussed.   Those minutes are digitally made available to the Board members and/or are printed and brought to the next Board meeting for review and correction if needed.

Music Chair:   As lead person on the Music Committee, this individual calls and directs committee meetings, passes suggested music off to the Director for analysis, and orders the ok’d music.   Board-assigned position.

Board Members at Large:  We consider any official ‘Island Chordsmen Plus’ member willing to attend Board meetings eligible for this Board-assigned position.